[Image Gallery]/Abroad

퀸 엘리자베스 공원, 밴쿠버

BeeHoney 2006. 11. 30. 16:22








                                                    Queen Elizabeth Park, Vancouver Canada,  Nov. 2006





     나는 그대의 대지 위에서 말한다
     그대를 두 팔 안에 가둔다
     정화된 친밀한 행위 속에서




The top of this beautifully maintained 52 hectare (130 acre) park is the highest point in the city, at 167m (505 ft) above sea level. From the lookouts, visitors have a 360 degree view of the Vancouver skyline. The park receives nearly 6 million visitors a year who marvel at its superior standard of garden plantings.



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