[Image Gallery]/Islands

섬 이야기 #07084

BeeHoney 2008. 7. 7. 01:01



                                                                                                                                                     강화도 2007                                                        




Parlez moi d'amour
Redites-moi des choses tenders
Votre beau discours
Mon coeur n'est pas las de l'entendre
Pourvu que toujours
Vous repetiez ces mots supremes
Je vous aime


"Parlez-moi d'amour" is a song written by Jean Lenoir in 1930. An English translation was written by Bruce Sievier (1894, Paris - 1953) and is known as "Speak to Me of Love" or "Tell Me About Love". Lucienne Boyer was the first singer to record the song and she made it very popular in France, America, and the rest of the world.







Daniele Vidal  -   들려줘요 사랑의 말을     

   Parlez-Moi D'amour


가사의 영문 번역입니다.

누가 한글 번역좀 하시겠어요?^^


Speak to me of love
Tell me those tender things again
Your beautiful speech
My heart is not tired of hearing it
Provided that you will always
Repeat these supreme words
I love you


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