[Image Gallery]/Roads

The Scene #081013

BeeHoney 2008. 10. 26. 23:28


                                                                                                                                                경기도 2008




어떤 모양의 길 
낮게 내린 하늘

또다른 빛 속에 세운  어둠






하이든의 첼로협주곡 D장조 2.Adagio악장.  비운의 첼리스트 `자클리느 뒤프레'의 연주입니다.

`린 하렐'의 연주도 멋있는데 그와 비교하면 템포가 느리면서 더욱 여유 있으며

 여성적 센티멘탈리즘을 가을의 분위기로 듬뿍 실은 해석으로 들립니다.

Haydn - Cello Concerto in D major


Jacqueline Mary du Pré, O.B.E. (26 January 1945 – 19 October 1987) was an English cellist, today acknowledged as one of the greatest exponents of the instrument. She is particularly associated with Elgar's Cello Concerto in E Minor; her interpretation of this work has been described as "definitive" and "legendary".[1] Her career was cut short by multiple sclerosis, which forced her to cease performing at the age of 28, and eventually led to her premature death. Following her death, a book about her family life was written by her sister Hilary du Pré and her brother Piers. This book formed the basis for the movie Hilary and Jackie which aroused fierce controversy.

 Jacqueline du Pré with the Davydov Stradivarius and Daniel Barenboim

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